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Exercising Gratitude Journal in White

Regular price $24.90 USD
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Practice being a positive person; practice doing something positive for yourself every single day. From eating something nutritious to moving that body, expressing gratitude, and doing those things that fill your cup. Self-care is how you take your power back. What do I mean by self-care? It’s taking action to preserve and improve your life. It’s about being proactive in protecting your well-being and happiness daily, especially during periods of stress. Self-care, AKA self-love, is not to be mistaken for self-indulgence. Self love=self respect, a divine responsibility. Focus on breaking those bad habits and replacing them with better ones that elevate your life, not hold you back or hold you prisoner.The most brutal battle of my life was facing infertility for four years. During that process, I was so down I couldn’t shake the negative thoughts, had a pity party often, and treated myself as the victim, like the world was out to get me. I reached a desperate state where I had to reprogram my thoughts do the deep inner work that was scary and exposing but ultimately life-saving and rewarding. This is where exercising daily gratitude truly changed my life.It takes discipline to form new habits, but that discipline will follow you in all aspects of your life. Rather than doubting yourself, start trusting yourself. I promise with discipline and consistency, you will experience a revelation and learn so much about yourself. We are all doing this life thing together, doing our best. Life is hard, but we can focus on enjoying our precious moments, from the good to the challenging. Sending YOU reading this love today and every day. Life is beautiful. I encourage you to start celebrating all those things in your life, the big, the small, and everything in between.